Pond fish may grow larger than danios kept in aquariums. Zebra danios have even ventured out to space for scientists to study. The slender zebra danio males are torpedo-shaped and usually have subtle golden stripes between the zebra-stripes on their bodies. It is interesting to note that this species is frequently used in studies. The best way to obtain a mating pair is to start with a school of a half dozen or more young zebras and allow them to choose mates. your username. Behavioral problems with this danio, such as fin nipping, can usually be attributed to not having enough of these schooling fish in your tank. Breeding the Giant Danio Giant danios are relatively easy to breed, and the fry are fairly easy to raise. Zebra Danio Tropical Fish Learn all about the Zebra Danio's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. Spawning should be attempted in a roomy tank that has some exposure to the sun if possible, as natural sunlight triggers spawning. So, if you find your fish chasing each other at this time, your female danio may be carrying roe, and the fish may be very close to spawning. For beginner aquarists, Zebra Danio is a perfect breeding fish because you will never find any complication if you are encouraging the reproduction of this schooling fish. Zebra danios are prolific breeders, and an interesting fact about is that they are v… Females are usually a bit larger with a rounder body than the males. Algae flakes and fresh blanched veggies for occasional treats. Zebrafish are known for the five dark iridescent blue stripes that run down their body on both sides from their head to the tip of their caudal fin (tail). This disease causes fish to be lethargic, anorexic and develop inflammation and ulceration on their skin and fins. Kuhli Loach. Although there are some types of fish that are hard to breed in an aquarium setting, danios breed well on their own. Zebrafish develop a social hierarchy through play and shoaling (swimming in loose groups). The Zebra Danio is a very hardy tropical fish. Here’s a quick shopping list of the supplies you’ll need for an ideal danio tank appropriate for a shoal of 10: To feed and care for your danios, you’ll need: Zebrafish may be common, but they are anything but boring! What Supplies Do You Need for a Zebrafish Tank? In terms of filtration, Zebra Danios are not demanding at all. It depends on how many fish you’ll want to keep in your shoal. The scared fish will see the danios out swimming and may become more comfortable with their environment. These royal blue stripes extend from near the eye to its caudal fin. What kind of temperatures and water conditions do zebra danios prefer? You can use taller plants like Amazon Swords and Java Fern to create these shaded spots for your danios. There are many different breeds, with different colors and patterns, and many of these breeds are very popular with aquarium hobbyists. You’ll need several small breeding tanks with heaters, sponge filters and air stones. Best Fish For A 20-Gallon Tank And How Many Can You Fit, Best Fish For A 10-Gallon Tank And How Many Can You Fit, Best Place To Buy Healthy Betta Fish Online. Zebra Danio ( Danio rerio ) Overview: The zebra is a tropical freshwater fish belonging to the minnow family (Cyprinidae) of … Once the adults have spawned, return them back to their home tanks or they will eat the hatching fry. Yeah, I agree. This danio is a good first fish for beginners to the tropical fish hobby because of their tolerance of a wide range of water parameters. Zebra danios exhibit some sexual dimorphism – though not quite the way expected. A community tank. Both types are zebra danios and will mate with eachother. As omnivores, they enjoy both plant and animal foods. While wild zebrafish can often be found in stagnant waters, it’s best to provide your fish with a gentle current and plenty of circulation to prevent other problems with your tank (like algae outbreaks). Normally danios will breed within 24 hours of being placed in the breeding tank. Poor hygiene may cause your fish stress and shorten their lifespans, and may increase the chances of algae outbreaks and diseases in your tank. While they safely form hierarchies through their non-aggressive play, they could stress or injure slower fish as they nip at their fins. Ideal for novice and experienced aquarists alike, let’s explore the playful Zebra Danio! Zebra danios have been in the aquarium hobby for many decades. Mating behavior is also heavily influenced by photoperiod, as spawning begins immediately at first light during breeding season and continues for about an hour. your password Add 2 males for every female. Welcome! In large groups, however, it's typically not as much of a problem. Log into your account. A high-quality commercial omnivore flake diet. Separate your fish into tanks by gender for a few weeks, and raise their water temperature from 71 to 80°F to signal it’s time to spawn. Like many other fish, zebra danios first must be conditioned to trigger their mating behavior. Breeding Zebrafish (Zebra danios) You will need. 70 percent of human genes are also found in zebra danios. The adult species in large number can be encountered in puddles appeared during dry season and in flooded rice fields, where the fish feeds and spawns. Your baby fish should hatch within 3 days and will be very small and transparent at first. Fish Description. Infertile eggs are not transparent and look white instead. The zebra danio is … Air pump and air stone or bubbling device. For breeding purposes ph 6.8, temperature of 80F. Antimicrobial medications don’t seem to have much effect, and an outbreak usually results in the loss of the colony. Let’s talk about why these social fish are such a popular option for freshwater tanks. A simple internal filter may suffice for a nano tank, while a HOB or canister system would be better for larger set-ups. Up to 2 inches in length; average size is 1.5 inches at maturity, Omnivore; In the wild, they eat small insects and eggs, algae, crustaceans and worms, Active, curious, schoals in larger groups (15+), South Asia in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan, Omnivore; Primary diet of fish flakes, supplemented with fresh/frozen brine shrimp, blood worms, algae flakes and blanched vegetables, Very active, curious and a shoaling species in large groups (15+), Playful and very social; often chase and nip at each other harmlessly, Upper and mid-levels mostly, but does explore the bottom as well, Prefers well-filtered water with a slight current, Egglayer; Ideal species for first-time breeders and very easy to induce spawning in a breeding tank, Does well with many other peaceful, similar-sized fish that prefer the same conditions. Thermometer. The Longfin Blue Danio is a man-made cultivar, but its ancestry can be traced to the Zebra Danio, and it was most likely developed from the Leopard Danio mutation. They prefer to swim in the shaded open areas of your tank. She is an expert in setting up new tanks and maintaining naturally-planted freshwater habitats, and has experience raising a wide variety of aquatic species. In small groups, zebra danios can be pretty aggressive. They will also consume small crustaceans and worms if their preferred foods are unavailable. If your zebras are acting aggressively with the community, try breaking up the tank with more decor and live plants. These fish won’t be harmed by normal aquarium gravel, although sand is a more natural option for them. The ideal tank for zebrafish would have at least some live plants, but you can also opt to decorate with plastic plants if you prefer. They often nip at and chase each other harmlessly. It’s best to have a good filtration system on your tank of zebrafish to keep the water clear and clean and to help maintain oxygen levels in the water. The Danio rerio dwells in rivers and streams in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar and Bhutan. They are very hardy, attractive to look at and they usually do well in groups of 6 or more. But when well cared for, you can expect your aquarium fish to live for about 2 to 5.5 years. Zebra Danios are social animals, preferring to interact in close-knit shoals. Newly hatched zebrafish fry do best on a mixture of powdered omnivore foods and fresh brine shrimp fry until they are large enough for regular foods. The zebra danio is easy to breed in captivity at home aquarium just using some simple tips. The cold temperature increases the probability of courtship to begin. Breeding / Reproduction. Their bodies are shaped like a spindle (fusiform) and they have an upward-facing mouth. Danios are small schooling fish. Additionally, it is better to remove the parents from the breeding tank after spawning, as soon as possible. A bottle of water conditioner to remove any chlorine or chloramine from your tap water. The ammonia will burn the gills of the fish causing damage and may lead to other diseases like ich. When you buy via the links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. Dither fish are used to help calm other fish that may be skittish. If distinctive horizontal stripes run from the gill down to the tail of a Danio, this means that the fish is a Zebra Danio. Privacy Policy | SiteMap | Aquarium Dictionary | Affiliate Disclosure | Contact Us. Golden Zebra Danios are very easy to breed, and they may even do so on their own. In the wild, zebrafish live in silty or sandy-bottomed bodies of water. Zebrafish are one of the easiest species to care for in an aquarium and make a good option for outdoor ponds as well. 20-gallon aquarium with a hood/cover and lights. They'll chase each other and having a "pecking" order, but aggression to the point of fin nipping COULD be an indicator of another issue. I offer them their primary diet five times a week, and treat foods in place of their meal once a week. As long as you provide them with a good 2-gallons per fish and avoid groups smaller than 5, your fish should be fine. While the wild type zebrafish is a popular choice, there are many other interesting varieties available in the aquarium trade and to research labs. The place where the fish dwells to a large extent depends on the season. Many use them to cycle their tanks without losing any of them. Zebera danios are very tolerant of water conditions and temperature. Tankarium is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. What are the best tank mates for zebra danios? My 5 gallon with a zebra danio . Other popular aquarium varieties include the Pearl Danio (Danio albolineatus), Celestial Zebra Danio (Danio margaritatus), and Emerald Dwarf Rasbora (Danio erythromicron). This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Glo fish and gold German ram . Dr. Roberts coined the common name of celestial pearl danio (CPD) to reflect that the fish are actually danionins, related more closely to the danios than to the rasboras. Pebbles or marbles to cover all of the floor of the breeding tank. After the rain season … There are also genetically modified zebrafish that glow under a fluorescent light. They make good choices for communities with gourami, Cherry and Gold Barbs. Zebra Danio genders can be distinguished by the shap of their bodies. If they do not, leave them for another 24 hours. Breeding : Easy. It isn’t hard to maintain a danio tank and it doesn’t take a lot of time or effort. Two fish will form a breeding pair, which they often keep for life. It is a Genetically Engineered specie brand, and therefore, you cannot legally breed and sell them. A new and better way to start up an aquarium is to perform a fishless cycle. If 48 hours pass with no spawning, put your danios back in their separate conditioning tanks for a little longer, and continue to feed them live food. I hope you’ve enjoyed this guide, and we’d love to hear any questions or comments you may have about these beautiful striped danios. Zebra Danios are available in different vibrant colors like black, pink, blue, golden, etc., and even Albino Zebra Danios are present. The silver and gold color scheme of this fish is enhanced by its five blue horizontal stripes. A separate 10 gallon breeding tank. This is not a recommended practice because it can be very traumatic, harmful biologically and stressful to the fish. The striped Zebra Danio (Danio rerio) is a mainstay in the aquarium trade and has been so for many decades. My glo fish and danio seem like they are trying breed Their easy breeding habits and large, transparent eggs make them ideal for laboratory experiments. Danios are infamous for eating their own eggs. Sponge filter. Jen has more than 30 years experience as a biologist, aquarist, and fishkeeper. Zebra Danios are considered easy to breed. Sandy substrate with a mix of smooth pebbles and rocks. It will provide places for the eggs to stay out of the parent fish’s reach. Zebras use all parts of your aquarium, but prefer to hang out at the top and in the middle sections. They are found in Asia from Pakistan to India and as far as Myanmar. Zebra Danios get their name from their apparent “Zebra like” stripes. Diet - Food : They will take flakes, freeze dried (blood worms, daphnia, brine shrimp, etc) and live foods. Omnivorous and feed primarily on zooplankton, phytoplankton (including algae), small insects and larvae. Zebra Danios Spawning And Breeding - Duration: 7:15. You have a lot of options, including small tetras like the Neon, Cardinal, Rummy Nose and Emerald. Avoid keeping zebras with long-finned or slow-moving fish like Sailfin Mollies, Fancy Guppies, Fancy Goldfish or Bettas, or any large or aggressive species like Tiger Barbs or Red-Tailed Sharks. They will typically get aggressive and testy if your water parameters are off. Members of the large Cyprinidae or minnow family. The mentioned Danios, along with their features, are: Zebra Danio. The GloFish has a license to protect its trade. So, try to identify which two in your tank are the match before you decide to move any two into a breeding tank. Naturally occurring mutations, artificial selection by breeders and the increasing use of genetic modification has led to several unique morphs, including: In the wild, zebrafish are considered an annual species and generally only live for about a year. Stressed fish are more likely to get sick, after all, since stress depresses their immune system. Unlike many fish, male danios will often only have one female partner. For breeding zebrafish, it’s best to feed them on brine shrimp, Daphnia eggs and bloodworms for a few weeks prior to spawning. They are frequently used as dither fish in aquariums since they are constantly out swimming all over the tank. Maintain a water temperature of 78°F and the female will drop its eggs in the gravel bed. Use our fish community creator tool to plan your tank set up and ensure that the Zebra Danio is the … Danios are: Zebrafish, as they are also called, are just one of the 23 species of danio currently recognized. You should see transparent eggs at the bottom of your tank within 24 hours. Learn how your comment data is processed. If you wish to retain the young, the breeding tank should be empty except for a two-inch layer of large glass marbles, 1/2 to 1 inch in diameter. Zebra Danios will thrive in waters that are consistently between 65 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit, and they prefer soft to medium hard waters with a pH of 6.5 to 7.2. Zebra danio inhabits in rivers, channels, ponds, rivers. I usually feed my danios 6 out of 7 days a week, with one no-food fast day. Like most other danios, the zebra danio is a sleek, streamlined fish. They are best kept in schools of 6 or more. Zebra Danio - Appearance, Behaviour and Complete Care Guide Zebrafish are also highly susceptible to a chronic bacterial infection called Mycobacteriosis, which is especially common in laboratory colonies: There is no treatment for Mycobacteriosis, as it’s usually related to poor animal husbandry practices. Found originally in various parts of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan, the striped danio has also been released into the wild (both deliberately and by accident) in Columbia, Malaysia and parts of the United States. This makes them an ideal choice for new fish keepers and either single species or peaceful community tanks. These, They do well over a wide range of temperatures from, For treats, you can offer them fresh/frozen/dried. The females can be identified by their plump bodies and rounded bellies, while the males tend to have more streamlined and narrow bodies. Male bodies tend to be more slender for quick swimming while the females have a larger belly. Spawning CPDs Celestial Pearl Danio aka Galaxy Rasbora Display - Duration: 4:07. Tankarium is reader-supported. It’s incredibly easy to breed zebrafish, and they are a great choice for first-time fish breeders. To prevent this fin nipping behavior try to keep a school of 6 or more in your tank. The Zebra Danio Danio rerio (previously Brachydanio rerio) was described by Hamilton in 1822. Tank Mates : Other Danios, Corydoras and some Tetras. Sick fish may develop dropsy (edema or body swelling), nodules on their internal organs and may even have deformed muscular and skeletal development. Gender : Males have yellow in between the black stripes and females are sometimes larger. Zebrafish also work for tanks with Nerite, Zebra or Assassin Snails. You can keep a small group of 5 danios in a 10-gallon aquarium, or a shoal of 25 in a 50-gallon tank. Temperament / Behavior : They are usually peaceful but they can be fin nippers. Live or plastic plants and decor; bogwood and sticks/branches are especially appropriate. Wild populations exist in slow and fast-moving streams, rivers, lakes and even nearly stagnant irrigation ditches and rice paddies. Temperament / Behavior : Mostly peaceful when kept in groups of 6 or more with occasional fighting and chasing among the group. Summary. These fish come in a wide range of colors, including the albi… What do zebrafish eat and how often should you feed them? If you’ve ever wondered why Danios are such a popular choice for freshwater aquariums, then wonder no longer. Heater thermostat. So the breeding tank should be decorated with a shallow bed with rocks and marbles. Zebra Danio Fish Care, Size, Life Span, Tank Mates, Breeding In terms of temperament, these fish usually get along well with other peaceful community species of a similar size and shape, but they often harass slow-moving fish with long fins. Zebra danios are small freshwater fish native to South Asia. They may avoid playing in any brightly lit areas away from decor and plants. Photo Credit : Photos copyright JJPhoto.dk, © FishLore.com - providing tropical fish tank and aquarium information for freshwater fish and saltwater fish keepers.About FishLore | They enjoy exploring decorations as well, especially chunks of bogwood. The silvery-white females have a rounder, plumper body with a white belly and silver stripes instead of gold. Striped danios are usually healthy and hardy fish, but they are susceptible to common aquatic diseases like ich, so your tank’s hygiene will play an important role in the overall health of your shoal. There are currently over 600 labs in the world dedicated to studying the species. They really stand out beautifully in a tank with a dark sand and pebble mix. Breeding the Zebra Danio Zebra danios are ideal for beginners as they are prolific breeders, and interestingly, mated pairs remain together for life and rarely spawn with others, even if a mate dies. They will eat vitamin enriched flakes, frozen, freeze dried and live foods. In order to initiate courtship about 3 to 7 males chase females and try to lead female towards a spawning site by nudging her and/or swimming around her in a tight circle or figure eight. Breeding : Note: breeding is prohibited due to licensing restrictions (See number 4 on their Breeding Restrictions page). Another way to figure whether your zebra danios are pregnant or not is by watching their behavior closely. Initially dismissed as a fish with no economic worth, they’ve since become a model species for scientists studying everything from genetics of neural development to cancer, and have even been sent into space! It’s time to transfer them to the spawning tank. They also have a prominent genital papilla, or folded tube, right in front of their anal fin. They share about 70% of their genetic material with humans, so they’re ideal for studying diseases like diabetes and muscular dystrophy, and for use in developing new drugs and treatments. Zebrafish don’t like a bare tank, and they tend to be more aggressive when they don’t have a lot of plants and decorations to break up their habitat. These fish have a hierarchical system of dominance, a pecking order that they created through play and other non-territorial or aggressive behaviors, these peaceful fish will often chase each other around the tank, but usually, this behavior is harmless. Zebrafish are not terribly picky about their specific set-ups and can usually be accommodated in most tanks without a lot of fuss. Because of their hardiness, many will use them to cycle their new tanks. It’s best to keep at least 5 danios, and shoals of 15 or more are ideal. Give some time to female to settle down in the breeding tank then put the male as well. The key is to get into a regular routine for your water changes and filter maintenance. Truthfully, in an aquarium, you can use any substrate you prefer. What is the typical behavior of zebra danios in an aquarium? Zebra Danios grow up to around two inches long, so you can keep quite a few of them without having to get a huge tank. Other possibilities include Cory Cats, loaches and Upside Down Catfish. After two weeks of a high-protein diet, your female fish should start looking plump and rounded. You can drop a comment below, or join us and our community of aquarium aficionados on our social media pages! Try breeding the danios again in another week or so. But they aren’t really sensitive to their decorations, so choose the decor that works best for your tank and community. Breeding & Sex Differences. Females get larger than males, and you’ll see a more rounded belly. I’ve seen my zebra’s playing in my filter outflows, and they enjoy swimming through bubbles too, so consider adding an air stone. 7:15. The first step in breeding them should always be to separate the sexes into their own tanks. Their natural background color is usually a subtle silver to gold striping. Breeding Zebra Danios As I mentioned before, zebra danios mate for life meaning for you to breed them you need to have a breeding pair. Zebra Danio Breeding. What’s the best tank size for zebra danios? When kept on their own, these fish are shy and spend most of their time depressed and hiding. Indeed there are licenses on the breeding, the appearance, and the offspring; however you can’t control sexual reproduction through fake methods. This extensive research has led to zebrafish being one of the best-understood species on the planet: How big do zebra danios get? Updated May 14, 2020Author: Mike - FishLore AdminSocial Media: The Zebra Danio is one of the most popular tropical fish for many reasons. Treats such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, Daphnia eggs and/or mosquito larvae. FocusingOnLife 54,884 views. To recreate their natural habitat, it’s best to provide zebrafish with open, shaded areas to shoal in. During the aquarium startup process ammonia is being introduced from the fish and not enough bacteria is present to process the ammonia. He also suggested a new common name, since his discovery of a familial relationship between this fish and the danios meant the trade name galaxy rasbora was misleading. The Kuhli loach is native to Southern Asia, where it inhabits the sandy regions of … These zebra-striped fish are both beautiful and hardy, and are one of the easiest aquarium species to care for and breed. Avoid keeping with large or aggressive fish that might attack them, or with slow swimmers with long fins that may get nipped. Fish Disease : Freshwater Fish Disease - Diagnose, Symptoms and Treatment. This means you can have multiple pairings in one tank if you give them enough space. Behavior & Care: Danios prefer to travel in schools and, if kept singly, can become bored and pick on other fish, but typically without any real damage. The eggs will hatch in two days and you will have to remove the adults because they will eat the fry. You can also house them with other types of danios. It’s best to avoid it by keeping your water quality high and quarantining new fish before adding them to your tank. This is especially true as spawning time approaches. You can keep them with small freshwater invertebrates like Ghost or Cherry Shrimp, or with aquatic amphibians like the African Dwarf Frog. Metallic blue and silver stripes are the wild type, with domesticated morphs including xanthic (gold) and long-finned varieties, among others. If you notice this almost-violent behavior in your fish, our danios may already have spawned and fertilized eggs. I’d hazard a guess that there are few aquarium stores in the United States that don’t have at least one type of zebrafish for sale. A heater, if your home’s temperature is variable or swings more than a few degrees every day. Zebra danios usually spawn in the mornings. These are lively, active and social fish that prefer to live in large groups. Naming. Keep the water under one or two inch from large glass marbles. Breeding: Like most other danios, the zebra danio is a sleek, streamlined fish. The zebrafish was first described in India in 1822 by the Scottish physician and explorer Francis Hamilton. The breeding season of this fish is monsoon season. They’re usually sold as juveniles from about 0.5 to 1 inch in length, and a mature zebra danio’s size usually tops out at around 1.5 to 2-inches. Then in the last several years, selective breeding programs have managed to create long finned versions of the fish. Are hard to breed zebrafish, as they are best kept in of. 10-Gallon aquarium, or a shoal of 25 in a roomy tank that has exposure... Their fins by its five blue horizontal stripes all over the tank yellow in between the black stripes and are. Female fish should be fine some time to transfer them to the fish they also have a rounder, body. Purposes ph 6.8, temperature of 78°F and the female will drop its eggs in middle. 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