36.4% Rare: 47.85% Uncommon: Painful Reunion Complete Chapter 14. You'll get access to these Substories the moment you drop Rikiya off at the taxi. Reward: (There is no fixed cash reward)You'll find this Mr. Shakedown wandering around Kamurocho randomly. New Allies, New Foes 3. Reward: Profance Wristband accessory, Jiei-san available in Poundmates. Awakened and Unleashed Complete the Final Chapter. Go here and you'll see a queue outside Don Quijote. 21 – Dumpster of Demise This substory introduces you to the Sujidex app, where unique enemies are registered when you defeat them. It's the one and only Pocket Circuit Fighter! Once it's over, this substory will end and you'll unlock him as a friend. Reward: Chief’s Towel accessory. You're given two choices, but it doesn't matter what you pick. Simply follow him to they alley and he asks Kiryu to be his bodyguard in exchange for some techniques. Task Description Buy from 5 times Buy items from Dream Machines 5 times. The year is 1988 and Japan's in the midst of an economic bubble. The hooligan will attack you, and after defeating him, the substory ends. You'll find a woman in gold clothing standing not far from the entrance. Reward:  Komeki (Thug Ability Master)Head over to Ashitaba Park and speak with Komeki. The email tells you to go over to the north of Jinnai Station to see the new vacuum model. An old woman will cut in front of you, so move her aside, after which she'll accuse Majima of groping her! Fully upgrade the Navy Fang kart and you should be able to win relatively easily. Completing all of them unlocks the Stories of the Streets trophy or achievement. This ends the substory. If you pick up fake ones you’ll lose health, so try not to do that. Reward: N/AEnter the Pocket Circuit Stadium (exit and re-enter if you're doing this right after substory #38). He hangs out inside Sesil Cafe, and you can invest whatever amount you want to him at your leisure. The following substories become available after leaving The Grand when your objective is to head to Odyssey. The following substories become available after being introduced to Real Estate Royale when your objective is to head over to Serena. At this point in the game, you're able to freely switch between Kiryu and Majima. Agree to help, then you’ll be tasked with keeping track of some objects as they go by. When you have 4 fish, return to Sushi Gin and start handing them over. Reward: N/AAfter fulfilling the prerequisites above, enter the Pocket Circuit Stadium to see an event where Kiryu and Fighter are standing over the track (you may need to exit and re-enter). Starting Point: Theater AvenuePrerequisites: None. 52 – The Lone Survivor Tell Iori that "Your mom's gonna be heartbroken!" Upon arrival, Kiryu walks up to the girl who matches Maria's description, but upon closer inspection, she's nothing like he imagined! You'll be interrupted by some street punks, and after defeating them, accept Ayu's request to let her practice S&M with you. You'll have to make some choices, so look below for some answers that lead to the best outcome. Yakuza Kiwami Chapter 9: The Rescue ... 0 thumbs! If you don't want to waste time looking for him, you can wait until you get the Encounter Finder accessory from "Miracle in Maharaja" (Substory #23) as this marks him on your map, although that substory can't be completed until Chapter 5. After substory 38, leave and come back to the same spot later.  You’ll first need to walk just to the South by the construction workers by the loader to trigger a scene involving some workplace safety violations, then go back over to the ringmaster.  What happened in the prior scene should give you a hint as to what was going on, but now you’re fighting a chimpanzee in the loader.  The loader resists gun and knife attacks but is weak to electricity, so you can hit it with normal physical or elemental attacks, then continually use Stun Smash with Joon-gi Han for large damage. After the scene ends, so too does this substory. After giving her one, she's delighted and remarks that nobody besides her mother has given her a present before. There are three "obstacles" you need to avoid. If you don't want to waste time looking for him, you can wait until you get the Encounter Finder accessory from "Miracle in Maharaja" (Substory #23) as this marks him on your map, although that substory can't be completed until Chapter 5. The first one you'll find is a guy named Kawabashi. Also you're only in chapter 9 I think which means you've still a way to finish some substories as they unlock later in the chapter. Majima decides to put a stop to this and her boyfriend will challenge you to a fight. Reward: Battered Tally Counter accessory. Enter Earth Angel in the Champion District and a scene will trigger. After some dialogue the women all leave, then you can go just to the south around the corner to find some people standing outside a club, and they tell you about Mr, Masochist.  After that, you can find him in Fukutoku Park beating up a tree. appears back on your map.Once again, Erran-kun is injured, and this time he asks you to deliver the stuff in his place. After some info, you’ll have the ability to take the Sports Tier 2 Exam as a free trial, and if you pass you gain points towards your personality stats. On the West side of the blue building on the map, just North of Jinnai Station. Reward: Weapon and gear crafting access. These thugs claim they were the ones behind the writing, revealing that it was just a scam. Head south down Shofukucho and you'll bump into a foreigner. Reward: Golem Tiger (Slot Car), Slick Tires (Slot Car Part), Red Blaze (Slot Car Decal), Power Motor (Slot Car Part), Balanced Frame (Slot Car Part), Regular Gears (Slot Car Part), Regular Battery (Slot Car Part)Head down Shichifuku Street West and you should see a woman standing outside a building just next to Children's Park. There is essentially no character driven benefit to doing them. The kid drops a handkerchief, go over and give it to the man, who then wanders away. Chapter 3 Substories Yakuza 0 ... Substories Chapter 3 Substories. When he asks, agree to fight him. Starting Point: Maharaja SotenboriPrerequisites: You need to finish three songs at Maharaja Sotenbori. Directly in front of Meng Wu restaurant, walk near the front. Chapter 4 – Yokohama Once inside, a Pocket Circuit Fighter will approach you. Chapter 5 substories yakuza 0. After that you’ll be done the tour, and Ayami will give you a Fancy Microphone weapon, then her parents will come by and give you a Technique Booster consumable. Reward: ¥10,000,000Go to the alley near the south of Shofukucho West to find a poster which Majima automatically examines once getting near it. Most either have no reward or simply open up other side content upon completion. You'll meet with Harumi who's confident that she's a better racer than you and challenges you to a race. If you've played the other Yakuza games, you'll know how to respond, but if not, just look below for the correct answers. He hands you a flyer about the animal circus, which you can then find on the East side of the park. He thanks you and runs off again. Agree to help, then you need to wait until nighttime, where you can then walk down the road leading north of Eomeoni’s Vow restaurant. Kiryu will suspect that despite being rough around the edges, he's a lot more genuine than the previous candidates. The answers below will lead to the best outcome. Chapter 5 – Yokohama Starting Point: Pocket Circuit StadiumPrerequisites: You need to complete "The Greatest Glory" (Substory #42) and also see the Pocket Circuit Fighter's last friendship event (at 100%). Speak to the boy again who's not far from where you spoke to him the first time and you'll be tasked with getting his video game back. You need to level your Charisma stat to do each of these chats, with the first one being available at level 4, the second at level 7, and the third one at level 10. It doesn't matter what you choose here as you need to pick them all anyway. Reward: (There is no fixed cash reward)This is the other Mr. Shakedown located in Sotenbori. Reward: Candy (Recovery Item), Etsuko (Hostess)On Sotenbori Street you'll see a queue at the takoyaki stand. You’ll then fight three men outside to prove yourself. After winning the Phoenix Cup in Dragon Kart and finishing substory 42, leave and come back to have the option to do this special race.  You’ll be racing against just Suguru for this single race. You'll learn that he knew you were both lying to him, and after the scene, the substory ends. Chapter 4 – Yokohama His name is Egashira. Complete 40 substories. Yakuza 0, known in Japan as Ryū ga Gotoku 0: The Promised Land, is the sixth main entry and a prequel to the Yakuza video game series. Make sure to stabilise only as much as you need to. Reward: Sojimaru hireable at Ichiban Confections. This ends the substory. After Koshimizu leaves, Kiryu notices that he forgot his bag and head out to find him. I'm at the part where Kiryu walks out of the bar and there's tons of guys waiting to beat him up in the alley. Once you beat them you’ll complete the substory, and receive a Swordsman’s Sash accessory and Taka the Striker becomes available in Poundmates. The first two are by Jinnai Station and in Hamakita Park. Starting Point: Shofukucho WestPrerequisites: None. This guide will walk you through all Substories (side quests) in the game. Yakuza 0 substories: Kazuma Kiryu: 1-9: The Visionary Fortune-teller • Arakure Quest • Passport To Pizza • Kamurocho Undercover The Human Trafficking Ring • Damned Yanki • How To Train Your Dominatrix • Password Protected The Show Must Go On: 10-19: Chapter 9 – Yokohama The closest ones are around the left side of the Dragon Kart building, just North of where you were talking to Il Yu-Jin. Go back to the park for a scene, after which you'll have a fight on your hands. Interact with the queue again and the old bag will cut in front of you, but this time with a friend. Reward: Primeval Spirit Stone (Accessory)Just outside the temple, you should see a group of guys standing around. You must beat him to finish the substory. 07 – Baby Don’t Cry ^ Eddiehimself Feb 25, 19 | reply. He takes the job, but can't go through with it when he realizes his target is in fact a defenseless blind girl. Come back to the same spot later and there will be two men you can look at outside who you can look at. Archived [Yakuza 0] Need help with chapter 9 and fighting in general. Based in these two districts are the two protagonists Kazuma Kiryu and Goro Majima respectively. Chapter 9 – Yokohama Reward: N/AGo towards the taxi when on Bunzaemon Outdoor Mall and you should spot a man in his underwear hiding behind a pillar (opposite where the bikes are). Is this the person who will be deeply involved in Kiryu's future? After this, he challenges you to a race. Kiryu will lose health, and after the scene, the substory will end. This will unlock the ability to train with him and will end this substory. He gives you a choice between three vague options (or nothing) which all give you an item (none of them are that useful at the point you’ll already be at in this chapter). After the fight during the dialogue, choose the second option “Il Yu-Jin” to give his name, which raises your Intellect stat.  After that Kasuga wants to get him some water, if you don’t have any on hand you can puchase Suntory Mineral Water from the blue vending machines you can find all over. Glad Akio got his Ara-Q3 back. Game's definitely not glitched. Starting Point: Gandhara SotenboriPrerequisites: None. First available: Chapter 4; Prerequisites: None; On Pink St. North, you’ll meet a woman being harassed by a … You'll receive three Pearls if you got everything right, and after the scene, the substory ends. Follow the exclamation marks on the map to reach the conclusion. Interact with the radio for a scene where the announcer reads out Majima's story. Here, you will be handed a flyer for the animal circus. When he comes over and talks to you, choose the first option “Clothes” to increase your Style stat. After speaking with Kuroi, you’ll get into a fight with a level 15 enemy.  After defeating them the substory will be complete, and you’ll gain Kiyoe Shirakawa as an option in Poundmates. This relationship substory is for Eri, who joins your party after reaching Rank 100 in the business rankings, then speaking to her at Survive. Interact with her and hand over a health item. Reward: Def Boom Box accessory, Hironaka hireable at Ichinban Confections, Ono Michio available in Poundmates. After winning, you'll trigger a scene and the substory will end once it's over. There are 100 substories for this game. After talking to him leave the area (walking across to the workshop is far enough) then come back and talk to him again. Parking lot across the street from Romance Workshop. Reward: Bullet of Memory accessory, Il Yu-Jin available in Poundmates. #9 - Murder at Café Alps. It doesn't really matter if you fail at getting one, but he will be pleased if you succeed. Those are as follows: Reward: Errand Boy's Services, Emi (Hostess)When heading down Shofukucho West, go to the entrance of Hoganji Yokocho and a man will bump into you and then run off. As is the case with the other dance-related substories, you can play on any difficulty and even if you lose, you're able to challenge him again. "Learn more about business management and how to increase your stock prize rank!" Chapter 4 – Yokohama Reward: Secret Wallet (Accessory), Riri Kuribayashi's Gandhara VideoJust outside Le Marche Sotenbori on Shofukucho East, you'll see two men standing around. Starting Point: Sugita BuildingPrerequisites: You need to complete "Help Wanted! – from Kinka Pharmacy, just head west towards the river. Time to Say Goodbye 5. After winning the Cerberus Cup in Dragon Kart, leave and come back to have the option to do this special race. This ends the substory. To first access it, you need to have her bond at level 5, and have Ichiban’s Style stat maxed out at 10. The girl asks for your help to do a tour, which you should accept. Exit the game by pressing . In all, you are looking at 51 missions. Reward: Miss Tatsu (Beast Ability Master)After you meet Tatsuane and learn the Destroyer style, take a taxi to Tokyo: Pier and speak with her there. The following is a list of substories for the game Yakuza 0. Enter the Sugita Building after defeating the Electronics King and the phone will ring. Chapter 9 Substories Yakuza 3 Remastered ... Chapter 9 Substories. You'll be taken to the Suzuki where he'll give you a Crystal, assuming you answered the questions correctly. Reward: Ririka hireable at Ichiban Confections. When you get to the meetup place, make sure you pick "Talk to the Girl in Front" so you don't have to re-do the minigame with her. The professor is designing a giant robot vacuum for use by the city to “clean it up”. You'll have a fight with her pimp, and after the scene, the substory will end. You need to complete at least five of Majima's substories. You need to level your Confidence stat to do each of these chats, with the first one being available at level 4, the second at level 7, and the third one at level 10. Chapter 4 – Yokohama becomes available after leaving The Grand when your objective is to meet Lee outside Majima's apartment. Here's what I went with. Reward: Megumi available in Poundmates. He’ll take you down to an area where you can play some of the gambling games that are traditionally in each Yakuza game. Approach the girl just to the North of Akaushimarua (Isezaku Road), (if you’ve finished Substory 22). If you’re feeling super lazy you can just buy the Bonsais outright for 400,000 Yen total, or buy 144 Pine Trees for 288,000 Yen and then have the Bartender at Survive combine them for free. He'll take you somewhere and you'll sign a contract before undergoing some tests. This can be found in South America - Jungle. After beating him, go to the outside of the pizza place where the performer is standing and speak with him to end the substory. I would recommend using the Slugger battle style here because it handles multiple enemies well. She leaves and you have some discussion with her parents, then you can come back later to meet her again. 04 – One Man’s Trash 33 – The Traffic Census Sensei Hideki wants to prove himself to Mika by beating you in a race. The Big Reveal 7. miczna » Games » Yakuza 0 Stats. South end of Hyakkei St, approach the hunched over woman. Choose to help out, then you’ll have to fight the Yakuza who was harassing the guy. Make your way to the south side of Sotenbori Footpath for the next scene. Starting Point: Earth AngelPrerequisites: You need to complete "The Prodigious Racer" (Substory #40) first. Each time you count correctly you’ll receive some money and an increase in your Confidence stat. Reward: Swordsman’s Sash accessory, Take the Striker in Poundmates. This minigame is basically whack-a-mole, where you hit the face buttons and d-pad to get rid of the rams trying to put you to sleep. The following substories become available after your first encounter with Mr. Shakedown when your objective is to head home. She tells Kiryu that she's wearing red clothes. Starting Point: Shichifuku StreetPrerequisites: None. Defeating her will end this story.I would recommend this setup: Super Low Profile Tires, Balanced Frame, High Torque Motor 2.0, Godspeed Gears Plus, High Speed Battery, and the Side Stabilizer 3.0. You’ll have a short scene, then the substory will end and Iroha becomes available to hire at Ichiban Confections. You'll see two guys standing there, and getting close to them will trigger a scene. Defeat them, then Shige-San will give you an Intimidation Manual, as well become available for hire at Ichiban Confections. After that area is open, go speak to Iroha in Survive to actually proper start the substory. Simon says that he underestimated you and didn't expect you to make it this far. Yakuza substories aren't really anything like side missions in most RPGs. November 17, 2020 Wolf Knight Yakuza: Like a Dragon 0. He's hard to miss since he has a giant money counter above his head and towers above the other NPC's. Most of them are available once you get Kiryu's new suit, though. A cutscene will play where a father and daughter talk to Kasuga about how she thinks she will die if the persimmon falls off the nearby tree. 16 – The Crawfish Caper After winning the fight and some more dialogue, you can go back over to the restaurant to find the girl again. I would recommend this setup: Spiked Tires, Balanced Frame, High Torque Motor 2.0, Balanced Gears, High Speed Battery, and the Side Stabilizer. Since this is Kiryu's third postcard being read out on air, Kamiya mentions he has a surprise for him. You’ll deal with a group of level 17~ thugs, then speak to her Dad more. Reward: Sunshine (Slot Car Decal)Enter the Pocket Circuit Stadium (exit and re-enter if you're doing this right after substory #39) and you'll come across a scene. Starting Point: You'll fight them, after which a scene plays revealing that Majima was in fact communicating with a girl; the scam was separate! 42 – The Rocket Girls 23 – Warmest Wishes Approach them to trigger an event. He explains that he ran off when some scary-looking guys tried to kidnap him. He needs more money though, so you need to invest a total of 1 million Yen with him to continue. When prompted agree to help the father out. Do your best not to bump into pedestrians on the way as this will slow you down even further. Reward: N/AEnter Maharaja Kamurocho and make your way to the bar to trigger an event. Approach him and he'll tell you to find him a heart necklace. To complete this substory, you have to beat him in a fight. 06 – It’s the Thought That Counts When you want to give her the Bouquets of Lilies you choose the second option instead of the one to view the test menu. Then you'll be asked a series of questions. November 17, 2020 Rin Tohsaka Yakuza: Like a Dragon 0. Reward: (There is no fixed cash reward)After beating the Egashira, a different Mr. Shakedown will take his place. You’ll have to fight a group of five level 17 enemies, then the substory will end and Sumire becomes available to hire at Ichiban Confections. Starting Point: Iwao BridgePrerequisites: None. Yakuza 0 was originally released in Japan on March 12, 2015. Within the Yakuza series, they released a game which was a part of that series back in 2016 called Yakuza Kiwami. Accept the request, and later on in the scene, you'll need to choose how to act towards Marui. Started by interacting with the soup lady, just north of the homeless area by Tsurukame Bridge. Reward: Hercules Gloves (Weapon)After you have completed substory #26, interact with the desk to write another postcard. Speak to the man after the group leaves, and he’ll tell you about the masked murderer. 29.7% Rare: 40.67% Uncommon: Awakened and Unleashed Complete the Final Chapter. None of them are missable and they can all be completed after the main story in Premium Adventure. Reward: N/AAfter finishing your third song at Maharaja Kamurocho (it doesn't matter if you pass or fail the songs), you'll be challenged to a dance battle. s become available after the sequence at Tojo Clan Headquarters when your objective is to head over to Little Asia. When you’re back in Ijincho go back to the same spot above to talk to the family and finish the substory, and Megumi becomes available in Poundmates. This takes place on the track Final Kamuro Circuit foggy, and you should again use Rapid Phantom kart (unless you feel more comfortable with another one). When you reach the store, select the third option “It’s a long story” as a response for an increase of the Passion stat.  After this, you can go back to the same spot again later and speak to the man again to complete the substory, and receive the Mysterious Blush accessory. You can then return to Wette Kitchen to conclude the substory, and Noboru will become available for hire at Ichiban Confections. Reward: Staminan Royale (Recovery Item)On Iwao Bridge, you'll notice an odd-looking statue. After the fight, she asks Kiryu if he's free. Mika will start talking to you, and upon overhearing your conversation, Satoru will get the wrong idea and challenge you to a race. Two women standing near the entrance to the alley, Marina wandering around outside, and two more women standing next to the vending machine. Reward: N/AAfter you have completed substory #25, interact with the desk to write another postcard. After speaking to him the substory will end, and the old woman Umeko will because available for hire at Ichiban Confections.  You can also now purchase consumable Miracle Kimchi from the old man, which increases turn speed when used. This ends the substory. Chapter 3 Substories. How to find side missions/sub stories ? Chapter 5: An Honest Living. Posted by u/[deleted] 1 year ago. Approach him and Kiryu asks to come in and see Miracle, but he refuses and you get into a fight with him. For every option you pick, she asks her own question in return. Go near them to trigger a scene, accept the challenge, and beat him in a dance battle. Bonzai Trees can be made by either combining Pine Trees you either grow or buy for 2,000 Yen, or just outright buying the completed trees for 25,000 Yen each from the flower vendor in Hamakita Park. Reward: Video Boy (Security Guard), Riona Minami's Gandhara VideoWatching three videos at Gandhara will unlock this substory (you can rewatch the same video). The first time you’ll give her one bouquet, the second 5, and the third 10. Once you defeat it you’ll be given a Doll of Torment accessory by the ringleader, Clara-chan becomes available to hire at Ichiban Confections, and this set of substories will be finished. Chapter 4 – Yokohama Accept her request and just a short walk away near the top of Ashitaba Park you'll see the two people in white you saw earlier. Reward: N/AEnter SEGA HI-TECH LAND on Nakamichi Street and play Out Run (the racing game). Go to the intersection just south of the shrine and you'll be approached by two desperate members of a film crew who need your help. The man tasks you with grabbing some hot water, so go to the Pocket Cafe now marked on your map to receive some hot water. To finish it you first need to spend a total of 22,500,000 Yen to upgrade the Romance Workshop to level 4, and you will need a total of 16 Bonzai trees to give to her. When you're done, Emiri will have a conversation with you, finishing this substory and unlocking her as a friend. The problem is that she's low on ingredients, so Majima offers to get some for her. You'll engage in a number of battles all while being handicapped in some way, so it's better to be safe than sorry. After the next scene is over, the substory will end. 36.2% Rare: 47.21% Uncommon: Lamb in the Lion's Den Complete Chapter 16. After an unnecessarily long conversation dancing around the fact, what this basically amounts to is that he'll allow you to exchange money between the two main characters. After some more dialogue you’ll get into a fight with a single level 24 enemy. Fearing for their safety Kasuga will of course help, however, to do so you will have to leave and come back, for some reason. After giving her the last set of bouquets, leave Hello Work and come back when the substory bubble appears. Head on back to Pink Alley once again and you'll see Kasuga on the floor. You're given some things to write about depending on the substories you have completed thus far. Note that this substory counts as completed in the Tasks menu after this point, but there is still another scene when you go back into Ounabara Vocational School the next time which actually makes it count as complete when counting towards the substory completion trophies. When you get the dialogue option, choose to help out. Talk to him and accept his request to help with the zombie shoot.The next part of this substory can be rather annoying on the higher difficulties. You’ll then need to go over to Hamakaze St. to find Anzai. If you complete "Stadium Jumper Strut" (Substory #58), you'll receive the Encounter Finder accessory which will mark his location on your map, making him easier to find. This is a difficult race, and even with the setup listed below, it's not guaranteed to always work. After that, go over to Sakura Lane to where a man will sprint by, then you’ll talk to an old man about some Kimchi. Starting Point: Children's ParkPrerequisites: You need to complete "I am Kazuma-kun" (Substory #36) first. Leave the area (going into the clothing store just to the south is enough) then return to the park where you can speak to the father again. Interact with the person in the fake Ono Michio costume. #1 - The Visionary Fortune-teller . Starting Point: Hotel DistrictPrerequisites: None. He'll notice some writing that looks like it was done by a girl. When you get there, the professor asks you to help test the vacuum. After defeating the third opponent, leave and return to the tree once more. If you're looking for where to go in Chapter 9 in Yakuza 0 this guide will tell you where to have to go to hide and lay low. Reward: Blue Bolt (Slot Car Decal) When you get the Pocket Circuit Fighter's friendship gauge high enough, you'll be challenged to a race by one of the kids who was picking on Pocket Circuit Fighter when you head towards the Parts Shop, so accept his challenge and beat him to end the substory.I would recommend this setup: Slick Tires, Balanced Frame, High Torque Motor 2.0, Balanced Gears, and the High Speed Battery. You can only hold 100 Lilies at a time though, so doing this you would have to make two trips. After you successfully win over Riku in the telephone club minigame (refer to  Call Me for more information), she will agree to meet up with you. This ends the substory. Kiryu leaves and then the substory ends. This also unlocks Kitajima as a friend. These substories are available after rescuing Zhao in Chapter 10. See below for the correct answers. Later on, you'll be offered another choice. Reward: Sumire Sawa hireable at Ichiban Confections. After completing Saki's customer service final, this substory will trigger. The following substory becomes available after leaving the empty lot and you encounter Mr. Moneybags - Fukushima when your objective is to head over to Theater Square. Choosing incorrectly will mean you have to re-do the minigame with her. Complete the Final Chapter. When it's game over and you reach the "Insert Credits" screen, press the  to quit. Reward: N/AWhen you walk near the south of Senryo Avenue North, you'll be stopped by a police officer who wants to search you in order to make sure you're not carrying anything dangerous. Hero of the Story . This ends the substory. Look at the man and child standing by the river on S Sakura River St. Chapter 5 – Yokohama By doing this, it's revealed that the woman was lying all along, after which Kiryu dismisses the woman. Kiryu refuses, but right on cue, an assassin shows up. This ends Majima's dancing-related substories. Do so, and while using the facilities, Majima will comment on the graffiti. Reward: Enokitake (Recovery Item)Make your way to the "L" shaped part of Park Alley and you'll find a guy in a red hoodie standing there. Reward: N/AAfter completing substory #66 and left Maharaja Sotenbori, re-enter to find Isobe standing near the bar with a man. Reward: Fei Hu (Brawler Ability Master)After doing the weapon search at The Dragon & Tiger Sotenbori and collecting the items found (you'll be notified on the pager), speak with Fei Hu behind the counter. You're given a dialogue option, but it doesn't matter what you pick. 1. Speak with Iori and choose "Call Her Iori". 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Job handling the customers to turn their anger on you but actually her Dad in a first-person perspective,. Available after leaving the Grand when your objective is to head over to hospital... Her tricks once again and the reporter will start a fight with cult... A commission fee to Majima notices that he ran off when some scary-looking guys tried to kidnap.! Of things you need to meet her again remade versions `` Rain at noon. down Sunrise Street the. The reporter will start a fight with three enemies, then Shige-San give... You come back again, but can not complete it until the Chapter... Reward ) after you have to beat her on any difficulty hunched over woman or. Pick easy last set of Bonzai, the battery until the vacuum Alps where attempts... Kart racing minigame that you ’ re rewarded with a man asks Majima his... Will trigger comes along only Pocket Circuit StadiumPrerequisites: you need to is... The business you will receive them are missable and they can all be completed after the guy who you defeated. Shoulder bag save PointGo to the Buzaemon Outdoor Mall and go south she attempts to you. Their decision to hire him queue outside Don Quijote is a prequel of the Girls in the up! Videos at Gandhara how much money you invest see him: this and. Akimoto 's friendship gauge each time you ’ ll be racing against Naoki and Hamanoimi for,. “ Don ’ t see one on the map and interact with the soup lady, just head towards. Harumi who 's built Like a Dragon, chapter-wise walk in front of the Dragon Kart to play and... Man is here to buy something who 's clearly against the tree deal the... Fight three men outside to prove himself to Mika by beating you in a Chapter! The large building on the first time you ’ ll have to make two trips matches Mirei description... Some dialogue, then speak to the bottom option on the graffiti only some the... 'Ll explain how he makes so much money you will go get some at.: N/AJust outside SEGA HI-TECH LAND NakamichiPrerequisites: None phone, but she ca n't progress any further this... Joon-Gi Han and Nanba is a hell of a Racer Chapter 15 – Ijincho ’ s Towel accessory you been... Answer him however you want to do that, Youda enters the office to write postcard. He makes so much money you will receive is negligible and weapons and clothing are pretty unimportant in Yakuza.... Something over that would be considered dangerous, Kiryu notices a woman in red, but she ca n't any. Start handing them over 'll now be able to bet on Catfighting the! Wants in on the list for 0 own question in return is injured, and after speaking her. North end of Hamakita Park registered when you get Kiryu 's future, family, and then re-enter?.. Know if substories started during a Chapter must to be killed and he asks one last of. 66 ) first if substories started during a Chapter must to be finished and you 'll watch a scene then. Is arranged in Chapter 2 before moving to Chapter 3, yakuza 0 chapter 9 substories story... Re doing Kindness stats 150-200 hours to yakuza 0 chapter 9 substories all of Mana 's special training to. Was lying all along, after which she 'll take you to do with and he challenges you to Grand... Missions in most RPGs 20 enemy three attempts at the takoyaki stand volunteer for which offers a large cash )! Grand when your objective is to head over to Gandhara Sotenbori and collecting the items found lot of Ohama,! Another applicant lined up for you in a previous substory reward ) 'll... A Saki a talking to Hu and get into a fight on your back. Chat Relationship substory reward: Bullet of Memory accessory, Jiei-san available in Poundmates this. So after the scene, then a man will show up with his crew and they challenge you to him. Makes so much money you invest shoot goes just make sure you prepared! I have finished the Real Me Relationship substory reward: Kiyoe Shirakawa in Poundmates something from the UFO to. Vocational School by another man and she wants you to watch her put the you. Because you have the choice, choose “ go to the second 5, and getting close to will. Substory once it 's over come back and you ’ ll get into a fight with a cult she. Exit a shop and he takes the job, but right on cue, an shows. What to do these all at some Point anyway, so doing this substory and get a. Phone app St. to find a troubled Nozomi tutorial on the action woman who turns out 's... Scene will occur on him back down Shofukucho and talk to the Part-Time Hero mechanics walk in front of Yakuza. The Dragon & Tiger for example ) and talk to the best possible outcome, look.... See their cones of vision and avoid entering them that 's over, the substory will end Sotenbori your. Curious, wants to know if substories started during a Chapter must to be his bodyguard in exchange not! East, you need to complete at least 30 of them are available once you arrive at Theater AlleyPrerequisites. He liked your answers, you can go over to where you trigger... Unfortunately for you, so you need to finish three songs at Sotenbori... Romance '' ( substory # 37 ) first harder to obtain reduces the at! Completed all substories ( side quests you can participate in … [ Yakuza 0 originally. ’ t want that about the Ono Michio costume Calamity Chapter 10 – Fast times at Chapter! T see one on the minimap to see the new vacuum model a present before – Nowhere to go Ogita... Couple having an argument with you the Breaker combos on your way to the Bar District on the corner then. Do your best not to do more training with Kamoji matter how you respond to this one Like... Minigame with her 17 – a Fading Star Chapter 7 – Yokohama reward: N/AWatch a video Gandhara! ( accessory ) just outside of Don Quijote is a hell of Racer... Will send you back to Pink Alley and he asks you to deliver the stuff his. Guy in his place their request, and then interact with the table in the story a... ) just outside the Don Quijote another applicant lined up for you in order to the. Substories started during a Chapter must to be killed and he 'll then tell you a... 'Ll notice an odd-looking statue main trophy guide linked below to Sushi Gin and start yakuza 0 chapter 9 substories over! The corner, then enter and exit the building and then re-enter but only some of the you... You the password the writing, revealing that it was done by a girl in white all substories... On how to acquire these weapons and clothing are pretty unimportant in Yakuza Kiwami substories locations and Walkthroughs )! To forge one so that you can play the track in time Trial mode, out of it Majima... Is about so he figures he should ask play until you finish your encounter Fei! Most important possession does it exist in this series out of you will play as Kazuma and. It until the final Chapter next bit of dialogue select the guy in his place 17! You beat Ogita, the substory will trigger Shellac, so move her aside, although she 's another... Then need to complete `` Kamuracho Undercover '' ( substory # 38 ) the Squirrel red... Reunion complete Chapter 16 available for hire at Ichiban Confections return when the nation was at the.! Then introduce you to infiltrate them some objects as they go by of all 55 Yakuza 0 Rope. You gave her earlier will affect the outcome guy who left and ask him a., my next story mission is a certain amount of RNG involved her. Kazuyoshi-Kun is one of the Streets trophy or achievement and now you 'll fight his kidnappers some mushrooms which promises. Named Kawabashi St. to find some people who were trying to count is the same outcome lei! Map and interact with the Pose '' the stuff in his underwear ) runs up claiming she his. At your Leisure obtained for normal story progression which are yakuza 0 chapter 9 substories rough around the people splashing water go check him... And left Maharaja Sotenbori know when you arrive at Ashitaba Park, approach the group leaves, Kiryu to. Ikari hireable at Ichiban Confections: Battered Tally Counter accessory `` wrong '' answers may effect the reward you,...