Several options should be investigated, e.g. We face big challenges to help the world’s poorest people and ensure that everyone sees benefits from economic growth. Globally, air pollution is a significant cause of death, illness and social discomfort. Air Pollution in Nigeria - Air pollution kills thousands of people in Nigeria every year, with urban dwellers worst affected, the WHO data shows. Special thanks are given to Mr. Andrew Kelly, Ms. Abimbola Adeboboye, Dr. Rose Alani, Mr. Iguniwari Ekeu-Wei, Mr. Jia Jun Lee, Mr. John Allen Rogers, Ms. Maria Sarraf, and Mr. Sanjay Srivastava for their support. Sources of PM2.5 include direct emissions from combustion of fuels such as gasoline, oil and diesel as well as wood combustion. We can most effectively reduce pollution that comes from our own behaviours and activities. (2020) The Health Cost of Ambient Air Pollution in Lagos. It is especially worrying in Lagos, the country’s commercial capital and one of the world’s fastest growing megacities. 4The estimation was conducted using the GIS, based on the following method: 1) mapping the monitoring sites, using the coordinates of the locations from GoogleMaps; 2) spatially join the population value that intersect the location of each site; 3) calculate the share of population at site versus the total population of the city; 4) derive the population exposed at each site using the share and population values. The study proposes various remedies to improve Lagos’s air quality such as using cleaner passenger vehicles, shifting to public transport, adopting cleaner fuel and using alternative power sources. 9Such a study could build on [52], which estimated the health impacts of household and ambient air pollution on the coastal zone of Lagos, Cross River and Delta. It occurs when the air contains harmful and toxic amount of dust, gases, fumes … Our study estimates the impact of ambient air pollution on health, analyzes main pollution sources, and recommends options to improve Lagos’ air quality. Based on the above, the cost of health due to exposure to ambient PM2.5 is estimated at US$2.1 billion. METHANE: Methane is a strong greenhouse gas and traps heat more efficiently than other gases. Ships – container ships in particular – are far and away the leading source of the major components of air pollution, producing most of … Secondary organic aerosols (SOA), a major component of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in cities around the world (2), form through oxidation of volatile organic compound (VOC) precursors. Lagos, a coastal city of 24 million people, exemplifies how air quality is upending Africa megacities’ growth, health and livelihoods. The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper. 2WHO also specifies that no threshold has been identified below which no damage to health is observed, and therefore, recommends to aim at achieving the lowest concentration of PM possible [1]. Fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) is especially harmful to health because it can pass lung barriers and enter the blood stream, causing premature deaths, and respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. The World Bank Group works in every major area of development. Data for Nigeria included in the newly released Little Green Data Book 2015 indicates that 94% of the population is exposed to air pollution levels (measured in PM2.5) that exceed WHO guidelines Although the VSL concept has been commonly used [51], its application is still subject to challenges: in countries where primary surveys have been conducted, its application often generated a wide variety of results, depending on the approach used, type of survey, etc. It estimates the impact of ambient PM 2.5 on health, analyzes the main pollution sources, and recommends a … Global data and statistics, research and publications, and topics in poverty and development, PUBLICATION: The Cost of Air Pollution in Lagos, BLOG: Air Pollution: A Silent Killer in Lagos, STORY MAP: The Cost of Air Pollution in Lagos, VIDEO: Pollution Chokes African Lives, Livelihoods, Environmental and Social Policies for Projects. Here are the main effects of pollution many Nigerians already experience: Cement companies built in Kano, Lagos… Air quality in Singapore. Globally, exposure to ambient PM 2.5 caused 2.9 million premature deaths in 2017, or about 9 percent of total deaths in the world. Among the West African cities, air pollution is particularly worrying in Lagos, the city with the highest number of PM2.5-related deaths, both in absolute (11,200 deaths) and relative terms (46 deaths per 100,000 people). mortality and morbidity by cause and age) at the state level, and examine the impact of household air pollution on health in Lagos9. 8Based on a GDP for Lagos State of US$98 billion in 2018, estimated by the World Bank in August 2020, based on data from the Lagos Bureau of Statistics. This paper demonstrates that exposure to ambient PM2.5 has a very large health impact on Lagos’ society. What is the main source of air pollution in Lagos? Andrew Kelly is CEO of EnvEcon Decision Support, a specialized economics and decision-support company operating out of Dublin, Ireland. She has operational experience in Africa, Middle East and South Asia. This might be a significant underestimate: recent research estimated the cost of morbidity at about 66 percent of the mortality cost in China [45] and about 74 percent in Poland [46]. Agriculture Production. The study estimates that illness and premature deaths due to ambient air pollution caused losses of $2.1 billion in 2018, representing 2.1% of Lagos State’s GDP. 5However, data monitored at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Lagos during November 2018-March 2019 indicates an average PM2.5 concentration of 66 µg/m3 [26]. Air pollution is caused by the presence in the atmosphere of toxic substances, mainly produced by human activities, even though sometimes it can result from natural phenomena such as volcanic eruptions, dust storms and wildfires, also depleting the air quality. It is clear that no single action can solve the air pollution challenges faced by the city. Poor air quality is the largest environmental risk to public health in the UK, as long-term exposure to air pollution can cause chronic conditions such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases as well as lung cancer, leading to reduced life expectancy.This edition of Health matters focuses on the health impacts that air pollution can have across a person’s lifetime, the associated health inequalities, a… Key Findings The study estimates that illness and premature deaths due to ambient air pollution caused losses of $2.1 billion in 2018, representing 2.1% of Lagos State’s GDP. In addition, the GBD 2017 Risk Factor Collaborators identify the theoretical minimum risk exposure level between 2.4 µg/m3 and 5.9 µg/m3 for both household and ambient PM2.5 [7]. Industrial and commercial zones like Apapa, Idumota, Ikeja and Odogunyan, where cement, chemicals, furniture, refinery, steel industries are concentrated, have high levels of pollution. Using available ground-level monitored data and the most recent valuation techniques, this paper estimates that in 2018 alone, ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5) caused about 11,200 premature deaths, and generated a health cost of US$2.1 billion in Lagos. The air collected by an air pollution monitoring device is only a sample of what we actually breathe. Air pollution-related illnesses resulted in over 11,000 deaths in Lagos as well as $2.1 billion in losses. Previous studies valuing the cost of air pollution in Nigeria are also worth noting. An evidence-based air pollution control plan that considers interventions across the most polluting sectors is required and envisaged by the World Bank’s PMEH/AQM project in Lagos. With 189 member countries, staff from more than 170 countries, and offices in over 130 locations, the World Bank Group is a unique global partnership: five institutions working for sustainable solutions that reduce poverty and build shared prosperity in developing countries. Copyright © 2006-2021 Scientific Research Publishing Inc. All Rights Reserved. Air pollution is characterised by the presence of particulate matter in the air of … These are the main ambient air pollutants and their sources: Particulate Matter (PM10 and PM2.5) Particulate matter (PM) is a complex pollutant as it contains a variety of components in variable concentrations. If you know someone who has a cold, you tend to steer clear of them because you don't want to catch their germs. It estimates the impact of ambient PM 2.5 on health, analyzes the main pollution sources, and recommends a set of possible options to control air pollution in Lagos. She has edited two books on the cost of environmental degradation and on forest ecosystem valuation in several African and Middle Eastern countries; and has co-authored other reports on natural resource valuation. In the 1950s, the U.S. began a national air sampling program for TSP that involved drawing ambient air through a filter and weighing the collected material. Every day, 227 vehicles clog each kilometre of road. Nigerian air pollution consequences. She works on operations and advisory programs related to circular economy, resource efficiency and pollution. Photo credit: Top left: Courtesy of Iguniwari Ekeu-Wei; Top right: Johnny Greig / Alamy Stock Photo; Bottom: Novarc Images / Alamy Stock Photo; Back cover: Novarc Images / Alamy Stock Photo. Prior to joining the Bank, she did research about resource efficiency and material recycling at MIT. Indoor air pollution, which arises from a variety of causes, also can cause health problems. The authorities should, therefore, take proactive measures to address air pollution in Lagos with regular air … But even in the most industrialized cities, the air inside many buildings and homes is often more polluted than outdoor air. Data and research help us understand these challenges and set priorities, share knowledge of what works, and measure progress. Any type of pollution is harmful and dangerous and will always lead to sad consequences. Globally, air pollution is a significant cause of death, illness and social discomfort. Finally, it is important to note that this study is based on a comprehensive review of existing air quality data, health information and the local context in Lagos. Exposure to air pollution is the fifth ranking human health risk factor globally, following malnutrition, dietary risks, high blood pressure, and tobacco (1). EPA in recent years revised standards for five of the six common pollutants subj… It estimates the impact of ambient PM 2.5 on health, analyzes the main pollution sources, and recommends a set of possible options to control air pollution in Lagos. Being sick is pretty lousy, isn't it? Figure 4. Combustion emissions are the primary source of CO in our air. The latter is the case of the present study, where the VSL has been derived through benefits transfer of a base value from OECD countries, following the World Bank guidelines [44]. Particles are by far the most heterogeneous of the regulated air pollutants. The challenge is to balance the needs of Canadians for transport, energy, … Air pollutants are generally defined as aerial substances that have some adverse effects on plants, animals (including man) or materials. Each day, 227 vehicles clog each kilometer of road. However, available information in these areas was often limited. From time to time, transboundary smoke haze from land and forest fires in the region also affect Singapore’s air quality, particularly during the Southwest monsoon period from August to October. Measurements of fine particles PM2.5 and PM10 serve as indicators of air quality. Particulate Matter. For example, Etchie et al. To refine these results, priority areas for future work include: conduct long-term monitoring of ambient PM2.5 in several representative locations of major activities in the city, e.g. Also read | Air pollution in India led to 1.7 million deaths in 2019: Study The study says that nearly 350,000 failed pregnancies in South Asia can be attributed to air pollution and … Agriculture is a major contributor to methane (80%) (CH 4) and ammonia (90%) (NH 3).But methane makes up about 9% of total emissions, whereas CO 2 makes up about 82%. We provide a wide array of financial products and technical assistance, and we help countries share and apply innovative knowledge and solutions to the challenges they face. In Nigeria, air pollution is hardly listed among causes of deaths on death certificates, yet the effects of air pollution exposure, such as lung … This paper is based on a comprehensive study which addressed the air pollution sources, costs and policy options in Lagos. Sources: [27] for Lagos; [50] for Cairo; [49] for other cities. Based on data from a few countries, several authors recommend using 10 percent of mortality cost to account for morbidity [43] [44]. Industrial emissions are the second source of air pollution. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The problem is particularly severe in Nigeria, the country with the highest number of premature deaths due to ambient particulate matter pollution in Sub Saharan region. To make matters worse, research shows that people now spend approximately 90% of their time indoors. Children under five were the most affected, accounting for 60 percent of total deaths while adults suffered from heart disease, lung cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Jiyoun Christina Chang is a Young Professional in World Bank’s Environment, Natural Resources and Blue Economy Global Practice. It causes miscarriages and foetal deaths. A portion of these estimates represents deaths due to the joint effect of exposure to ambient and household air pollution. Historically, the main air pollution problem in both developed and rapidly industrialising countries has typically been high levels of smoke and sulphur dioxide emitted following the combustion of sulphur-containing fossil fuels such as coal, used for domestic and industrial puposes. This is the first effort estimating the health cost of air pollution in Lagos city, based on ground-level monitored data, to the authors’ knowledge. Image source superhotmobile. In the same year, it caused 11,200 premature deaths the highest in West Africa. The problem is particularly severe in Nigeria, the country with the highest number of premature deaths due to ambient particulate matter pollution in Sub Saharan region. Indoor air pollution is another challenge that will be explored in a later study. Conducting systematic monitoring of PM2.5 in different types of households would help refine those estimates. estimated the health cost of air pollution in all Nigerian states, based on satellite-derived PM2.5 data [18]; the result for Lagos State was substantially lower than that of the present study (US$1.1 billion vs. US$2 billion), primarily due to the use of a lower PM2.5 concentration data and a slightly different methodology. Air pollution is a mixture of gases and solid particles in the air. If as experts predict, Lagos becomes the world’s largest city by 2100, the sources of pollution will likely increase as industry grows and transportation needs soar. Air pollution can never be given a precise and clear cut definition. This is equivalent to about 2.1 percent of Lagos’ GDP in the same year. He recently co-led the roll-out of the Environmental and Safeguards Framework capacity building program for Nigeria. In West Africa, it was responsible for about 80,000 premature deaths the same year. Lagos. To put these results in perspective, Figure 4 provides estimates of PM2.5 concentration and related impacts in other coastal cities of Africa: Dakar (Senegal), Cotonou (Benin), Lomé (Togo), Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire) and Cairo (Egypt) [49] [50]. The study estimates that illness and premature deaths due to ambient air pollution caused losses of $2.1 billion in 2018, representing about 2.1% of Lagos State’s GDP. According to a new study, one in 15 lost pregnancies in South Asia is due to air pollution. no reliable estimate of the impact of ambient air pollution, nor a comprehensive air pollution control plan. This site uses cookies to optimize functionality and give you the best possible experience. In Odogunyan, a PM. Most vehicles are over 15 years old, using old emission technologies and fuel with high sulfur levels: 200 times higher than U.S. standards for diesel. Joseph Akpokodje is a Senior Environmental Specialist in the World Bank Nigeria Country Office and leads the Lagos Pollution Management and Environmental Health Advisory Services and Analytics (ASA). These results call for urgent actions to address air pollution in Lagos. People tend to think of air pollution as something that happens 'outside'. The major sources of pollution are road transport, industrial emissions, and generators aggravated by open burning and illegal dumping of waste. The principal source of particulate matter in European cities is road traffic emissions, particularly from diesel vehicles. The study 'The Cost of Air Pollution in Lagos' addresses these knowledge gaps. While WHO recommends an acceptable annual mean PM. The highest levels obtained for the air pollution indicators were CO- 233ppm, SO 2-2.9ppm, NO 2-1.5ppm and total particulates 852ppm in Lagos. In the absence of studies in Nigeria, we use the most conservative assumption from the above (10 percent of the mortality cost), and the resulting morbidity cost is about US$0.2 billion. However, air pollution can be harmful even when it is not visible. Air pollution causes. The polluted air starts choking a baby even before birth. Cars, trucks, and buses powered by fossil fuels are major contributors to air pollution. Air pollution in Lagos, Nigeria kills 11,000 a year … Taking Action. ; in countries with no primary surveys, the VSL has been usually obtained through benefits transfer of a value from a different country. EnvEcon specializes in the appraisal, design, implementation and management of policies and interventions to achieve (or support) a defined political or corporate objective. It is slightly lower than that in Cairo, a megacity with a higher level of ambient PM2.5 concentration. Anthropogenic air pollution sources are: In Lagos, Nigeria, a plea for action against pollution. This can come from automobiles, home heating, or other sources. transport, industry, landfills; undertake refined source apportionment studies that quantify and localize the contribution to the PM2.5 pollution in the city; develop an inventory of air pollutant emissions in Lagos, including particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide; centralize health-related information data (e.g. 1. Most of these vehicles are over 15 years old and are not equipped with the latest emission technologies. Although a direct comparison between the two estimates is difficultc—due to the difference in the monitoring period and specific locations of the measurement—they suggest that the estimated 68 µg/m3 is a reasonable approximation of the average PM2.5 concentration in Lagos. It is especially worrying in Lagos, the country’s commercial capital and one of the world’s fastest growing megacities. Ambient air pollution and impacts in selected African cities. incentives for purchasing cleaner passenger vehicles, vehicle inspections, retrofitting the most polluting vehicles, adoption of cleaner fuel, use of solar cells with battery storage for power generation [27]. He has worked with the Bank for 15 years as consultant and staff, supporting Bank operations on project management, policy development, dialogue and client/ donor engagement. Andrew has served and continues to serve on several national and international expert groups and Task Forces including the Irish Government, European Commission and United Nations ECE. However, it is important to note that the analysis is subject to data limitations, including the use of: ground-level PM2.5 concentration data from 2010-2011; estimates of mortality from global statistics (IHME); and the VSL, to estimate mortality. Two of the pollutants of the greatest concern from a public health perspective are fine particulate matter and ozone. For more information on indoor air pollution, which is not regulated under the Clean Air Act, see EPAs indoor air web site. The problem is particularly acute in Nigeria which had the highest number of premature deaths due to ambient PM 2.5 in the region. In fact, transportation emits more than half of nitrogen oxides in our air, and is a major source of global warming emissions in the US. The estimated population covers all Local Government Authorities, except for Bagadry (555,200 people), Epe (472,300 people) and Ibeju-Lekki (145,300 people). Croitoru, L. , Chang, J. and Akpokodje, J. Dirty cars, dirty air. ;Studies have linked pollutants from vehicle exhaust to adverse impacts on nearly every organ system in the body. Copyright © 2020 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc. In 2018, it was responsible for about 11,200 premature deaths, with a health cost of US$2.1 billion, or 2.1 percent of Lagos State’ GDP. Generators supply half of Lagos’ total energy demand and are the third source of air pollution. Morbidity. But it’s short-lived because it leaves the atmosphere within a decade after it’s … Despite growing concern about air pollution, there is currently no reliable estimate of the impact of ambient air pollution, nor a comprehensive air pollution control plan. Going into the depth of air pollution the major factors contributing towards the causes of air pollution in points are listed below i . The literature assessing causal relationships between exposure to PM2.5 and morbidity is much more limited than that for mortality. A number of air pollutants coming out of a variety of industrial processes, impact the health of California residents. The authors would like to acknowledge the valuable inputs provided to the original study by Mr. Tayo Oseni-Ope (Director), Mr. Peter Kehinde Olowu (Deputy Director), and Mrs. Bolanle Pemede (Assistant Director) at the Lagos State Ministry of Economic Planning and Budget/Lagos Bureau of Statistics; Dr. Idowu Abiola (Director, Lagos Health Management Information System) and Dr. Kuburat Enitan Layeni-Adeyemo (Director, Occupational Health Services) at Lagos State Ministry of Health; Dr. Frederic Oladeinde (Director, Corporate and Investment Planning Department), Mr. Obafemi Shitta-Bey (Deputy Director, Corporate and Investment Planning Department) and Mr. Ayodipupo Quadri (Environment and Safety Specialist) at Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority; Mr. Lewis Gregory Adeyemi (Chief Scientific Officer) at the Lagos State Ministry of Environment/Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency; and Mr. Adedotun Atobasire (Deputy Director, Census) at the National Population Commission; and Mr. Emmanuel Ojo (Former Focal Point and Deputy Director, Pollution Control and Environmental Health Department) at the Federal Ministry of Environment. 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