This is the true classic text on yoga, where all modern exercise-based yoga comes from. . Carl Jung added his groundbreaking psychoanalysis perspective to tantra. What happens? They only need to realize this as experiential knowledge. 3) Tantric Meditation— The Sword’s Edge Observance, Let’s go to another classical tantric sexual ritual. Electronic waste permeates our life. They renounced the world and the body to reach a spiritual goal. Both colonial powers brought along their conservative religions and morals. These two practices are not part of classical tantra, despite both coming from India. We’re talking of an untold number of centuries. Christopher Tompkins has found clear evidence. These are very valuable resources— but still not Classical Indian Tantra. What’s the core of real tantra? Instead, you can bring consciousness down, integrating it into your daily life. How did they do this? It empowers you to explore the inner dynamics of your partnership. This calls for living all aspects of your life through tantra. (penis) enters the female partner only once. Videos. But we can indeed find ritualistic sexual practices. Tantric sex is about honoring one’s body and the body of one’s partner. It’s mentioned in the tantric text Shiva Samitha where it’s described as. [.] You already have the spiritual clarity and deep experience to confirm the texts. Still, that meaning of the word tantra is actually a different Sanskrit word. Against tantra, Patanjali teaches that yogis should transcend the body by becoming ascetics. Tantra stems loosely from religious texts that focus on spiritualism. If you’re already a yogi, you might have practiced them today! In one version of this ritual, the man should place his lingam on the yoni without penetration. What’s the best way to judge any practice? Others believe this has created a divide in the tantric community- the traditionalists and the modernists seem to be on opposite sides. Tantra. And you don’t have to leave behind your body and the world. Jungian archetypal psychology is a tool for understanding masculine-feminine relationships. Carl Jung added his groundbreaking psychoanalysis perspective to tantra. Second, because tantra is a dynamic oral tradition that goes far back in time. So why, in the West, is Tantra commonly understood to mean great sex? Tantric sex encourages the use of all five senses. This is Vajroli Mudra or urethral suction. When preparing for tantric sex alone or with a partner, it is good to set aside some time and find a comfortable environment. As a man, you can go deeper in your love making experience to experience the journey from sex to super consciousness. It was a holistic ritual, often performed around your own sacred Mandala. Let’s take a look at five references from Tibetan tantric texts. He claims that, in 2016, he discovered that verses in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika came from the Varahi Tantra. This goes on until his penis becomes flaccid. I will disprove the theory of modern origins for Surya Namaskara and many of the Asanas applied to it, drawing directly from a collection of hundreds of unpublished Tantric sources.”. All rights reserved. 5) Sabara, a scholar from the early centuries of our era, gives this definition of tantra: “When an action or a thing, once complete, becomes beneficial in several matters to one person, or to many people, that is known as Tantra.”. Yoga & Meditation Somatic Sexology. Strictly, the word t. ”. I’ve been working behind the scenes to create a global community of 3800+ conscious men. A modification to suit the times we live in— and update— to tantra is very necessary. By removing the more complex practices of energy and mantra, he wanted to suit the mainstream. tantra sexology meaning, Tantric Yoga A system of Hindu yoga which emphasizes the shakti (sexual energy) associated with the female principle and usually characterized as kundalini. There are essentially two concentrations of tantric yoga, which can be called the pragmatic and the aesthetic. Tantra stems loosely from religious texts that focus on spiritualism. And use any emotion to reach a realization of your self as being the same as the Divine self. , because in the original scriptures there are no sexual techniques given at all, meaning there is no description of techniques for how to make sex more enjoyable, last longer, nothing in common with Kama Sūtra at all.”, But we can indeed find ritualistic sexual practices. I work to develop new methods from all of these powerful practices. The tantrikas saw this hatha yoga as a tantric amplification of Patanjali’s Eight Limbs of Yoga. We’ll learn the origins of classical tantra and its difference from neo-tantra and sacred sexuality. Tantra is a system of techniques to align your energies with universal energies. 3) Swami Satyananda Saraswati also outlined tantra. Our culture has simplified this ancient practice to only one of its aspects. Though the history of tantra is obscure, many of the physical postures appear to have roots in yoga. I’m a coach mentoring men to deepen their confidence, passion, and relationships. We should honor the true sources of our learning. The adaptable way allows us to expand and modernize the ancient tantra teachings. This is also known by different names such as enlightenment, liberation, nirvana, samadhi, or self-realization. And that’s not right. Good news— the yoga teacher trainings that are correcting this are on the rise. Tantra is the perfect practice for empowered men who live and succeed in the world. But no matter how well you write, you can’t create a real experience. This is very sad. What’s the best way to judge any practice? You would have to reach maturity and development on the spiritual path. This means you become the highest version of yourself without leaving your life. In theory, a catheter would be more convenient today, though still dangerous. We are a new generation of [spiritual] practitioners living in a new century. The traditionalists point the finger at the modern tantra teachers. Tantric sex encourages people to get to know their own bodies and become in tune with them. [.] These include eye gazing, mindfulness, breath, yoga, and even some classical tantra techniques. What’s the reason for this big cultural shift? They need to be transparent and communicate this to their students. Because to use a tool, you need to know the materials and how it works. Let’s take a look at five definitions for tantra given by a vast array of important spiritual teachers. Learning tantra, we realize that we are that oneness. My co-author Mark Singleton has written about how 95% of modern yoga is not from that. Our topics: We don’t complain, we don’t judge, we take action! This has developed my intuition and knowledge of what works and what doesn’t. Contamination in water and food is unavoidable. Tantra is the reconnecting of our sexuality, heart and spirituality. Tantra as Scripture. Having finished, lick your and her conjoined sexual essence and take up some with your ring-finger and taste it.” – (, “The Cakrasamvara Tantra repeatedly refers to sexual union culminating in the production of sacramental sexual fluids as “worship” (puja), and it is clearly closely connected to the “worship of the vulva” (yonipuja) that is frequently described in Hindu tantric texts, art, and architecture.” –, Today, India is one of the most sexually repressed countries in the world. Failing to control ejaculation is a serious ritual fault. The meaning of tantra, therefore, is a process by which we expand our consciousness and liberate energy.”. In a lecture at Caxton Hall, London on Sept. 18th, 1979: “Etymologically speaking, Tantra is a combination of two ideas – the expansion of mind and the liberation of energy. Blog. But that is rare and reserved for the advanced, spiritually mature practitioners. ejaculate], stop all movement. He talks about what Dalai Lama said about the tradition of renunciation in modern times: “His Holiness the Dalai Lama often uses it [the above concept] to describe how we should practice Buddhism today. But they have no idea these come straight from tantric yoga scriptures. Strictly, the word tantra means “scripture”. Strictly, the word tantra means “scripture”. The modern approach to connected, spiritual sex, teaches the practice of, This recent technique involves a couple making love. It’s as Anodea Judith, best-selling author on chakras. We need a practice that integrates tantra’s goals and principles in our modern lives. In the many books, websites and classes that tout this definition of Tantra, the belief is that sex can elevate the yogi to a higher spiritual plane. It’s a little-known secret that the origin of modern yoga is, in fact, a watered-down tantra yoga. tantra and contrasts it to other practices: “Generally, I encourage people to follow Tantra – but Tantra is a word that has been widely misconstrued to be only about sex. Accountability and trust matter. What was his goal? It comes from the text called Brahmayamala (chapters 40.8c–14b and 20–23). In this article, we examine how sex affects both the body and the…, A look at yoga for erectile dysfunction. In a way, it’s the opposite of the path of the ascetic sadhus, priests, monks, and nuns. The more a person knows about their body and pleasure zones, the more likely they are to have a satisfying sexual experience. Tantra practices and meditation have become associated with spiritual sexuality, particularly in the West. These were practical prescriptions for having a good life. This is why my online mentorship program is a world-class masculine empowerment system. Tantra can be used for deep relaxation, new connection to you, heart opening and more in depth healing. Swami Swatarama, like Goraksha, was also of the tantric Nathas lineage. Instead of seeking liberation, sacred sexuality points more to healing, connection, and pleasure. If profound energy mastery, spiritual intimacy and bliss, development of your femininity or masculinity are your passions, then this is the module for you. We are new people with new mentalities and new problems.”. We have more historical examples of tantra yoga in Tibet. Nowadays, people have a vague, cherry-picking idea of what tantra is. Tantra is not concerned with sexuality or its suppression. Isn’t it interesting that the old Sword’s Edge Observance reminds us of sacred sexuality? Reading about a peach will never be the same as biting into a ripe peach yourself. Mental distractions on social media are always there. We also have a newly translated very important scripture, called Matsyendra Samhitā, dated 1300, which claims to be the teaching that Goraksha received from Matsyendra. But tantra practitioners don’t abstain from the senses, worldly pleasures, and sexuality. Now we understand that there are two ways of looking at Tantra in our modern world: 1) One is to be strict in sticking to the fundamental, scriptural doctrine of the tantras. ”, Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Tantric Texts. Today’s modern neo-tantra exists alongside the classical tantra practices that remain. Most westerners believe that modern yoga descends from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Classical Tantra is characterized by devotional practices, ritual, mantra, yantra, pranayama, asana, and deity worship. But in the history of civilization and mankind, this is only a very recent invention. All this has weakened our subtle energy bodies. This is a basic requirement. Let’s take a look at, “If you [feel that] your bliss is on the verge of subsiding, the consort should move a little, slowly and gently. (1) A philosophical ‘strand’ of tantra yoga, in which worship services take the form of a sexual ritual featuring slow, non-orgasmic intercourse as a prelude to an experience Simple— the invasions and colonization by the Muslim and, later, the British Empire. Tantra acknowledges the interconnectedness of all things. When engaging in tantric sex with a partner, synchronizing the breath may increase connection and intimacy. It helps you realize that everything is energy. Tantra acknowledges the interconnectedness of all things. For example, people may want to try: In Yab-yum, one partner sits with their legs crossed, and the other partner sits on their partner’s lap, wrapping their legs around their waist. At the same time, to incorporate a spiritual practice such as meditation and mantra. Worship of deities (universal energy forms). ejaculate], stop all movement. The oral tradition is much older than the static texts. We are sharing what tools are effective for us. We also have a newly translated very important scripture, called Matsyendra Samhitā, dated 1300, which claims to be the teaching that Goraksha received from Matsyendra. Don’t lie and say something new comes from an ancient source to get more attention, likes, and sales. Imagine, 5,000 years ago, this practice being developed, explored, and … According to Wallis, there were no sex-enhancing techniques in the Indian tantra tradition. The right-hand path says tantra is all about meditation and visualization. Despite their different approaches, they share the goal of liberation through embodiment. These fill most yoga studios and trainings all around the world. The first written reference to the word Tantra was in one of the world’s oldest written … In the west, tantra has become a substitute word for sex. In a way, it’s the opposite of the path of the ascetic sadhus, priests, monks, and nuns. The great hindi thinker Sri Prabhat Rainjar (known under the spiritual name of Sri Anandamurti) asserts, after more studies, that tantra is a very old spiritual science that appeared in India about 7000 years ago. This technology revolution transformed the way humans relate to nature. You wouldn’t try cutting a chain with a hatchet, right? For example, see Wallis’ critique of White’s writing, 2) Vajroli Mudra— An Ancient Tantric Sex Ritual, The tantra yoga tradition also used a similar physical practice. He talks about what Dalai Lama said about the tradition of renunciation in modern times: Jungian archetypal psychology (read below). What are synonyms for Tantric? They focus on the sensations of sexual energy and the connection between them. Instead, the lingam (penis) enters the female partner only once. Religious texts that have endured through time, always lag behind the times in which they are practiced. The Sixth Dalai Lama (1683-1706) was a non-celibate practitioner of tantric sexual yoga. In the yoga text, this became available to everyone from any social class – men, women, and householders. We call them left-hand and right-hand paths. You can start with the theosophical society, and the more modern taoist teacher Mantak Chia. There’s a historical explanation for this misunderstanding. Curious why? It’s not the same as feeling that peach with all your senses. We can agree that classical tantric practices were good for people in the ancient world. You’ve heard of tantra, tantric yoga, and its links to bedroom performance. These appear in the teachings of the Indian kaula lineage of Shaiva Tantra. This is incorrect— think of the meaning of the word and of what the technique sought to achieve. They are potent, proven, smart, and transparent techniques. What’s my mission? The goal— Working with the subtle body to make kundalini travel up through the chakras to realize our true essence. By taking time to get to know one’s own body as well as that of one’s partner, it can help make the experience fulfilling for both people. She guides him in how to make the offering of pleasure to her: Constantly take refuge at my feet, my dear … Be gracious, beloved, and Give me pleasure with your diamond scepter.” – Passionate Enlightenment by Miranda Shaw, “The Cakrasamvara Tantra repeatedly refers to sexual union culminating in the production of sacramental sexual fluids as “worship” (puja), and it is clearly closely connected to the “worship of the vulva” (yonipuja) that is frequently described in Hindu tantric texts, art, and architecture.” – Cakrasamvara Tantra by David Gray, “Whosoever wishes to attain Buddhahood for the sake of others through sexual ritual let them look to this teaching! If you feel you’re about to lose control [i.e. Though tantra. Learning tantra, we realize that we are that oneness. They should then exhale through the mouth for five counts. This is incorrect— think of the meaning of the word and of what the technique sought to achieve. According to Padoux, the verbal root Tan means: "to extend", "to spread", "to spin out", "weave", "display", "put forth", and "compose". And give credit and reference to them. What about the most popular yoga practices— sequenced vinyasa and sun salutations? The tantras, or scriptures, are the spiritual texts that are the base of all tantric yoga. This doesn’t mean changing its core. Tantra scholar Christopher Hareesh Wallis. And I test the positive effects of any practice on myself and master it before ever teaching it to others. His scandalous, sexualized, Others include the great sages and “crazy wisdom” teachers, But don’t just take my word on it. There is a big difference, because in the original scriptures there are no sexual techniques given at all, meaning there is no description of techniques for how to make sex more enjoyable, last longer, nothing in common with Kama Sūtra at all.”. The meaning of tantra, therefore, is, ) copious and profound matters, especially relating to the principles of reality (, ) and sacred mantras, and because it provides liberation (, in several matters to one person, or to many people, that is known as Tantra.”, In our modern world, the well-studied classical tantra scholar Christopher Hareesh Wallis.